Monday, April 13, 2009

Luke's Surgery

Well Friday was Luke's surgery and thank you all for your prayers. We arrived at 6am for his 7:30am surgery. Once we got there, they told us that his surgery was going to be delayed until 10:30am since they told us the wrong time for his last feeding.
Which meant we could have gotten 3 extra hours of sleep!

He was taken back for surgery at 10:45am. Our dear friend took time out of his busy day to come pray with Aaron and I. Which gave us such peace (thanks Edward, we love ya).His surgery was a great success. He was in there for about 45 minutes. We had to wait a bit before we could visit him in recovery. The wait seemed like forever! Finally I was able to kiss and hold my boy again. He was completely drugged on codeine. They told us that he needed to stay for at least 6 hours and possibity overnight. Which was never told to us prior to surgery. We thought we would be home by 1:00pm

They wanted him to say at least 6 hours since he was a preemie. They needed to take extra precaution on his breathing. So after being there for over 12 hours, we finally left at 6:30pm with Luke and Addilynn.

We still needed to pick up Austin and Dylan who were being watched by wonderful friends (thanks guys). Once we got them and Luke's medicine it was 8:30pm! It was a long day, but thankfully a wonderful one!

So Luke got his last set of casts on his legs which will be on for 3 weeks. After those 3 weeks he will wear his braces for 16 hours out of the day. Once he is about 9 months, he will just have to wear them at naps and at night until age 3. So hopefully the major treatment is behind us and we can now focus on our precious boy!


Spencer's said...

I am so glad everything went great....Your twins are adorable...